Exigence - What is it?

Exigence - What is it?

EXIGENCE - There are various definitions of the word, which comes from the Latin word for demand. Here exigence is defined as a problem that needs to be addressed. The 'problem' in this case being the technical and musical challenges of the piece.

This particular 'Exigence' is a new major work or test piece for brass band, only my second such piece. 

The work is approximately 7 minutes long and features each section of the band, including percussion. Whilst intended as a test or 'major' work it is very easy to listen to so would work just as well in concert as at contest.

Take a listen to the work in it's entirety on youtube here.

Hopefully we'll all be able to get back to some sort of concert, contest and performing normality soon.

Stay Safe.

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